Drainage Experts

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Over the past few months several of our clients have commented on the influx of “drainage experts” in to the golf market.
As new construction and renovation projects are becoming severely thin in the “great recession”, golf contractors, in conjunction with the heavy rain events of 09, are suddenly turning to drainage in this market?
Drainage, that unglamorous necessity of golf renovation, is now looked upon as a means to keep golf contractors busy through the downturn.
Let me just say that XGD Systems http://www.greensdrainage.com/ , a subsidiary of TDIGolf http://www.tdigolf.com/ first began installing fairway drainage in the SW Ontario market nearly 25 years ago. Then we moved in to the golf reno market and developed our greens drainage process after repeated calls on alternatives to rebuilding. It is interesting to see in these times that other reno firms are reversing this, beginning in renovation, and becoming drainage gurus when economic conditions and weather force them to do so.
In summary, might I suggest contacting the firm that began with a farm drainage background, and then moved to the golf market, and not the other way around.
Tees and Greens, Poor Old Dirt & Grass Farmer
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