The XGD Diet

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After training, leading our XGD crew on site at Toronto GC over the past 5 weeks, I have come to a conclusion that the XGD Diet may be a tried/tested weight loss program initiated by XGD Systems. We are in the order of around 8 greens completed, while TDIGolf has been completing holes at a fevered pace.
Another XGD nickname we don’t mind coined by Russell from Hawtree Design is Team Zen, referring to our cerebral approach to each green’s uniqueness and subsequent survey,design, and layout.
The woodpile pic refers to my extension of the XGD Diet in to the weekend with the piling of 15 cord of firewood at the house for the winter. Another excellent way to keep the pounds off as well, although completion of this type of project includes the consumption of the summertime Canadian favourite, “Will there be beer?”, always. Stay thirsty, my friends.
Later, Poor Old Dirt & Grass Farmer
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