XGD Precision Services

 In Classic Golf Architecture, Golf Course Capital Improvements, Greens Drainage, William S. Flynn

I was going through some older material from this past late spring and came across the following pictures from the William S. Flynn designed Elyria Country Club on Cleveland’s southwest side. These pictures are fine showcases of our “precision services”:

They are shining examples of our completed works, be it greens drainage, fairway drainage, or our greens regrassing and recontouring services.

The above green at Elyria is indicative of most of our greens layouts here from last May. As many of their Flynn greens have deep broad shoulders beginning near the front sides of the greens extending all the way to the back of the greens where they come together. Outstanding greens architecture.

So give us a call at XGD if we might be able to get you some budget numbers on your next golf course capital improvement.

Regards, Poor Old Dirt & Grass Farmer

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