Push Up Soil/Dirt Greens

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I wanted to show this picture of our installation to two of the “dirt” greens constructed by TDIGolf http://www.tdigolf.com/ at the Toronto GC http://www.torontogolfclub.com/ last summer.

In true pushup green fashion construction practices from the early 1900’s we tried to replicate some of the other 100 plus year old greens around the rest of this venerable old HS Colt design. As these two green sites were just being shifted 65 yards or so, the original green sod was harvested and kept alive for 3 weeks on plastic tarps. A really great way to preserve sod if you have the space to keep it alive elsewhere nearby.

Then the top 2 inches of material was harvested as a seed bed type material for the greens sod. Some of the original greensmix was mixed in with some strikingly similar native dirt materials and presto(meaning a lot of old time physical labour) TDI had replicated a fine native dirt greens mix`material to move back in to the new native green cavity. This was done with dump trailers and then by wheelbarrow and hand shovels to distribute the balance of the altered greens mix concoction.
To then get it near final grade pitchforking the green during this process was important to simulate aeration, and avoid compaction of any of the native dirt greensmix material. The result was an evenly compacted dirt finish very close to final grade, but ready for an XGD Systems installation, and then add the the 2″ of native stripped topdressing material just before the native sod returns.
The internal subsurface greens drainage installation was completed “in the dirt”, but you still have to be careful to fully achieve proper compaction without over compacting which would reduce the soil structure to the point where subsurface groundwater will not pass through it laterally. As all the greens on this project were retrofitted with the same internal greens restoration process, it was a means to an end to aid and ensure the long term agronomic success of their most valued treasures at this gorgeous old club, their greens.
Thanks, Poor Old Dirt & Grass Farmer
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